Deacon Jeff Burgess
Altar Server Coordinator
If you desire to be an altar server, please contact Deacon Jeff Burgess at 904-278-7153.
In the liturgy, you are much more than simple ‘helpers of the parish priest.’ Above all, you are servers of Jesus Christ, of the eternal High Priest. Thus, you, altar servers, are called in particular to be young friends of Jesus. Be determined to go deeper and to cultivate this friendship with him. You will discover that in Jesus you have found a true friend for life.
St. Pope John Paul II August 1, 2001
Attention all students between 5th and 12th grade. Is God asking you to serve? Consider becoming an Altar Server. The Church needs more young people who will say “yes” and join this great ministry to serve the Lord. The Ministry of Altar Servers trains young people to serve the congregation at Mass by assisting the priest. A rotating schedule is established for all weekend Masses and Holy Days of Obligation. There is on-going training provided throughout the year and the parish provides vestments.
If you desire to be an altar server, please contact Deacon Jeff Burgess at 904-278-7153.
Art is the ability to make things that display forms and it is an expression of creativity, while environment is the surroundings that affects people. This applies to the beautification of the church and its surroundings. God has given us many talents and it is up to us to develop them and put them to use. This ministry takes care of the church environment on a weekly basis. We maintain the plants, the changing of the banners, and we dress the altar according to the season.
To get involved, please contact Rose Go at 904-772-8661.
Volunteers prepare a child friendly version of the reading being shared at Mass. The children’s version uses props, acting, questions, etc. to help the children understand and remember the message for that Sunday. The church provides a printed lesson plan with ideas and even the exact words to say. Adults with enthusiasm are asked to commit to one Sunday a month. There are 2-3 other volunteers to assist with the children.
To volunteer with Children’s Liturgy, please contact Santa Cochran at 904-772-6353.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion help the priest in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass. They also assist in bringing Holy Communion to home-bound parishioners. Those in high school or older are welcome to discern becoming an Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. A Catholic who wants to be an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion must be in good standing with the Church, practicing his/her faith fully and diligently. If the person is married, he/she needs to be married in the Church and should be availing the Sacrament of Reconciliation as often as needed.
For more information on becoming an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, please contact Kathleen Roberts at 904-573-2530 or Marsha Meyer at 904-704-4122.
Proclaiming the Word of God is an integral part of the Liturgical celebration. The reading of Sacred Scripture has always been an important part of Christian worship. A spirit of humility, awe for the Word of God, and a deep sense of responsibility to the community will help you approach this ministry. Lectors need to be practicing Catholics in good standing with the Church. Good reading and public speaking skills, and an ability to articulate clearly is extremely important in proclaiming the Word of God. High School students and older are welcome to become lectors.
For more information on becoming a Lector, please contact Rhonda Howell at 904-886-3389 or Kim Dinkins at 904-626-5186.
The entire worshiping community of Sacred Heart exercises a ministry of music through participation in singing. There are certain members of the community, however, by virtue of special interest and gifts, who seek to encourage the sung prayer of the people by providing musical leadership at liturgy. During Saturday evening Mass, Sunday morning (7:30a.m.) and several Holy Day Masses, the invitation to sing is extended by a cantor. The qualifications sought in a cantor include a strong, pleasant singing voice, music reading ability, and poise. Cantors are committed to continuous training and growth.
The Adult Choir leads the singing at the 9:30 a.m. Sunday liturgy,a Guitar Folk Choir leads at the 5:00 p.m .Sunday Mass, and a Spanish Folk Choir leads the liturgy at the 7:00 p.m. Saturday Spanish Liturgy. Combined choirs are utilized at all special liturgies (i.e. Christmas Eve, Midnight Mass, and the Holy Week and Easter services, as well as 1st Communion and Confirmation). Organ and Piano are the primary instruments at all Sunday morning liturgies. Guitars are the primary instruments at the liturgies led by folk choirs. Other instrumentalists (woodwinds, horns, percussion, etc.) are encouraged and welcome to participate!
To become part of music ministry, please contact Cindy Stillson at 904-742-3320.
A Children’s Choir leads the singing at the 11:30 a.m.Mass. ALL children of the parish are invited –children are not required to attend Sacred Heart Catholic School to be a member of this parish based choir. Youth cantors lead the assembly in the singing of the Responsorial Psalm at this liturgy. Any child interested in learning to sing and read music, and who possesses a love for singing is welcome to participate. Older children (4th grade and older) who are learning to play a musical instrument are also encouraged to participate. Rehearsals begin prior to Mass at 11:00 a.m. and after the 11:30 a.m. Mass as needed in preparation for special liturgies where combined choirs are invited to join.
If your child would like to join, please contact Cindy Stillson at 904-742-3320.
Ushers/Greeters are Ministers of Hospitality who serve by welcoming people into the Church, helping them find a seat, taking up the offertory collection, guiding parishioners for Communion, maintaining good order during services, distributing bulletins or other printed material, bidding parishioners farewell at the end of Mass, and help straighten up the Sanctuary after Mass.
Anyone who is at least 18 years old interested in volunteering, please contact George Maxwell at 904-272-8793 or Bernard Cosalan at 904-434-1677.